Blog Series

Blog Series: How I Journal

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I’m addicted to planners.

There, I said it.

The first step is always to admit you have a problem, yeah?

Well over the years, I’ve tried so many, oh so many different kinds of planners. I’ve attempted the old-fashioned way of bullet journaling. A lot of things didn’t work. Because you know what else? I have to have my calendar on my phone.

So you know, I’ve even tried a digital planner.

But after years and years of trial and error, I’ve finally figured it out.

So I wanted to do a special series on my blog about planners and journals. In 2021, I’ve decided to go with a simple Bloom Daily Planner. It’s a weekly, format. It allows me to jot down appointments and the most important tasks for the day/week. It’s simple. I’ve added some stickers because I had so many from my days using Erin Condren that I decided to use them up. BUT normally, I’d probably just leave this Bloom Planner stickerless.

bloom planner
Love this Bloom Daily Planner for 2021.

I also use my Google Calendar. Every day.

So here’s the kicker. Here is what I did differently for 2021. I bought a bullet journal to go along with my planner. But I don’t create weekly spreads. Nope, I use it just to keep track of all the fun stuff. Like, writing trackers, pub schedules, cleaning tasks, birthdays, TBR shelves, and TV series progress. All the stuff that I love but don’t need to access on a daily basis.

erin Condren journal
Gotta get personal!

And guess what? It’s working for me. And that makes me super happy.

So this “How I Journal” blog series will take a closer look at the layouts I create in my journal.